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Paul Henderson Jersey Tour

Let me start off by saying I should have a rule. Never ask for an autograph from a Toronto Maple Leaf! I went to the Henderson Jersey Tour in Montreal with hopes of getting the famous 72 summit series goal signed by Tretiak, Henderson and Cournoyer (all of which attended the event in Montreal). Right from the start the event set up was quite strange. I arrived about 30 minutes before the players were scheduled to arrive. There was a large crowd outside waiting in line, I asked one of the show handlers if they were waiting for the autograph session. The handler replied "Well their isn't an autograph session and no one here knows why these people are waiting outside." I went inside the venue and spoke to the manger who confirmed that there will be no autograph session but getting an autograph is possible if the players are willing.

By the time the players arrived the venue was filled beyond capacity, picture your living room with 500 people in it. Paul Henderson was the first to arrive and addressed the crowd by saying "I have not signed an autograph on this tour and I will not start today". Photo's with the players was the only thing that could be done. The irony here is everyone in the crowd wanted an autograph which would have been easier then taking photos as the place was beyond packed.

Photo of the crowd.

Lucky for me and most who came out for this event Cournoyer and Tretiak did sign for the fans.  After the way Henderson addressed the crowd I was no longer interested in his autograph (I heard he did end up signing for a few). Tretiak being one of my favorites I really wanted him on a Montreal Canadiens puck as he was drafted by Montreal but never made it over due to the issue with the USSR at the time. Yvan Cournoyer also was nice enough to sign a Montreal Forum project I started (which I posted in a previous post).

Here are the results from the event.
Tretiak signed puck.
Updated:Montreal Forum Project (Lafleur,Cournoyer,H.Richard)

To recap I never thought I'd want a auto from a leaf but made an exception for Henderson due to the Summit Series but this confirms it. Never again lol!

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